en av de bästa låtarna

Don't pass it on, if you know it's wrong
Don't let the sun go down for some one else
Don't pass it on, if you know it's wrong

Don't lose your sense, for it's not the end
It's just another phase your going through
So don't pass it on, if you know it's wrong

Cuz' somebody's waiting for you
Somebody's waiting for you
Yes, somebody's waiting for you
Someone is waiting for you

Accept the change, for it's not so strange
You're not the only one in this world
Accept the change, cuz' were all insane

So, don't worry, stop hurry
Get on with your life it's not to late
Don't worry, stop hurry
Get on with your life it's not to late

Postat av: Anonym

gråter fan varje gång!!!!!!! cp bra. tragiskt

2010-02-17 @ 16:29:44
URL: http://makingnoises.blogg.se/

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